Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, explores the past perfect verbs. What do they indicate? Completed, unfinished or ongoing facts? Let's learn? For this, answer the various questions that refer to the text “Meeting of mummies”. Did you know that there is a congress just to present new scientific discoveries made with mummies around the world? Curious, isn't it?
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Did you know that there is a congress just to present new scientific discoveries made with mummies around the world? The last congress on mummies was in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, which belongs to Spain. On that island were found many mummies of a people called Guanche and there were experts from all over the world.
It was at a conference of mummies that I was introduced to Otzi, the icy mummy from the Alps, found in northern Italy, almost in Austria. Otzi was a man who lived in the Neolithic – period of prehistory between 12,000 and 4,000 years before Christ – in the mountains, and one day he died while trying to cross the glaciers. All of his instruments, the injuries that could have caused his death, the food he _______ before he died, and everything else that was found by the climbers who discovered it helped scientists a lot to understand how those peoples lived thousands of years old.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 182. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the passage where the highlighted verb is in the past perfect tense:
( ) "You you knew that there is a congress just to present […]"
( ) “Was at a congress of mummies […]"
( ) "[…] When tried cross the glaciers.”
Question 2 - In the passage identified above, the verb is in the perfect past tense to indicate:
( ) a completed fact.
( ) an unfinished fact.
( ) a fact in progress.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “Many mummies were found on that island […]”, the subject of the verbal phrase in the past perfect tense is:
( ) hidden.
( ) simple.
( ) undetermined.
Question 4 – In the part “[…] and there experts from all over the world.”, the underlined adverb adds to the past perfect verb “were” a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) time.
( ) goal.
Question 5 - Note the sentences below. Then, underline the verb “to live” that was inflected in the past perfect tense:
“Otzi was a man who lived in the Neolithic […]”
“[…] how those peoples lived thousands of years ago.”
Question 6 – Reread this prayer:
“[…] the food he _______ before he died […]”
The space in the prayer must be filled with the verb “to eat” in the past perfect tense. Point it out:
( ) "he ate".
( ) “he ate”.
( ) "will eat".
Question 7 – In the fragment “[…] and everything else that was found by the climbers […]”, the subject is:
( ) is the agent of the action expressed by the verbal phrase in the perfect past tense.
( ) is patient of the action expressed by the verbal locution in the perfect past tense.
( ) is the agent and patient of the action expressed by the verbal locution in the perfect past tense.
Question 8 – In “[…] who discovered him […]”, the word “o” works as:
( ) subject of the past tense perfect verb “discovered”.
( ) direct object of the past perfect verb “discovered”.
( ) indirect object of the past perfect verb “discovered”.
Question 9 – In the segment “[…] it helped much scientists to understand […]”, the term underlined was used to:
( ) define the meaning of the verb in the past perfect tense “helped”.
( ) intensify the meaning of the verb in the past perfect tense “helped”.
( ) complement the meaning of the verb in the past perfect tense “helped”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.