activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text As birds and the sea.
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A couple of seagulls lived near the sea. The wife was about to lay the eggs, so she said to her husband:
– We have to find a safe place for the eggs. On full moon nights, there are huge waves in the sea. They can take our eggs.
However, the husband thought his wife was being foolish.
“The sea has no power to hurt us. You shouldn't worry. Just lay your eggs here.
Against his will, the bird laid its eggs near the sea.
The sea had heard all this, so the moment the birds went out to look for food, the sea sent a huge wave to sweep all the eggs away.
When the birds returned and did not find their eggs, they were sad. The husband realized his mistake, apologized for his stubbornness, and the two went to another safe place.
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who are the main characters in the story?
3) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
4) What was about to happen to the couple of seagulls?
5) When the wife wanted to look for a safe place, what was the husband's reaction?
6) What did the sea decide to do when listening to the conversation of the birds?
7) When returning, what did the birds see?
8) What was the husband's attitude when he realized his mistake?
9) Illustrate the story:
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