activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the second and third years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The fisherman and the fox.
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A fox had been hungry for many days. She was looking for food when she saw a fisherman returning home with the day's catch. The fisherman's wagon was full of fish, crabs, and eels. So the fox decided to catch some fish from the wagon for his dinner. She lay down immediately halfway and pretended to be dead.
When the fisherman saw the fox in the middle of the way, he thought it was dead. He decided to take the dead fox home and use its fur to make a coat. So he caught the fox and put it in the wagon.
As the wagon started to move, the fox dropped some fish on the way. Then she quickly jumped out of the wagon, caught the fish and fled.
The poor fisherman lost both the fox's fur and his fish!
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What did the fox need?
4) What did the fox see?
5) What idea did the fox have?
6) When he saw the fox in the middle of the road, what did the fisherman do?
7) When the wagon started to move what happened?
8) Illustrate the story:
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