Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about rice. In Brazil, abati-uaupé (water corn, or rice, for the Tupis) began to be cultivated around 1540, during the colonization period, occupying areas from Bahia to Maranhão.. Are we going to know more about this food in our country? So, read carefully the text “Arroz no Brasil”! Then answer the various interpretive questions proposed below!
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Read the text carefully. Then answer the proposed interpretative questions:
The oldest references to rice are found in Chinese literature and date back to around 5,000 years ago. Food is also mentioned in Hindu scriptures, where it appears as an offering to the gods in religious ceremonies. From Asia, the cereal spread to the rest of the world. In Brazil, abati-uaupé (water corn, or rice, for the Tupi) began to be cultivated around 1540, during the colonization period, occupying areas that stretched from Bahia to Maranhão. The practice of rice growing in Brazil, in an organized and rational way, took place in the mid-eighteenth century and, from that time until the mid-nineteenth century, the country was a major exporter of the grain. Today, Brazil stands out as one of the largest producers outside the Asian continent. To give you an idea, in 2001, Brazilian production represented 1.8% of the world total and about 50% of Latin America. Domestic consumption is also significant: each Brazilian consumes, on average, 74 to 76 kg of the cereal per year. A proof that rice and beans are still __________ as one of the national preferences.
“MINAS FAZ CIÊNCIA”, March to May 2007, p. 41.
Question 1 - Underline the text keyword in this segment:
"The oldest references to rice are found in Chinese literature and date back to about 5,000 years ago."
Question 2 - In “From Asia, the cereal spread to the rest of the world.”, the underlined expression:
( ) takes the rice back.
( ) presents the rice.
( ) characterizes rice.
Question 3 - Identify the expression that also performs the function indicated in the previous question:
( ) "The food".
( ) “offering”.
( ) "the production".
Question 4 – In the part “In Brazil, abati-uaupé (water corn, or rice, for the Tupi) […]”, the information in parentheses ends:
( ) conclusive.
( ) explanatory.
( ) exemplary.
Question 5 - According to the text, Brazil was responsible for about 50% of the rice produced in Latin America, in the year:
( ) 1540.
( ) 2001.
( ) 2007.
Question 6 – In the passage “[…] areas that went from Bahia to Maranhão.”, the verb expresses:
( ) a continuous fact in the past.
( ) a hypothetical fact in the past.
( ) a sporadic fact in the past.
Question 7 – In “The practice of rice growing in Brazil, in an organized and rational way, happened in the mid-eighteenth century […]”, the highlighted excerpt indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 8 – In the prayer “Internal consumption is also significant […]", the term underlined could be replaced by:
( ) suggestive.
( ) expressive.
( ) improved.
Question 9 – Read back:
“A proof that rice and beans are still __________ as one of the preferences […]”
In view of the expressed idea, the space above must be filled with:
( ) "keeps".
( ) "keeps".
( ) "keeps".
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.