Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses nouns. How about analyzing them in the text Did you know that the smallest anteater in the world lives in Brazil? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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Well, not only in Brazil, but also in countries like Bolivia, Venezuela and Colombia, since this animal is found in the region that goes from southern Mexico to the central part of South America. Popularly known as tamanduaí, it lives in our country in the Amazon, in areas of the Atlantic Forest of the Northeast and in forests along water courses in the Cerrado, in the areas closest to the Amazon. About 45 centimeters long and weighing no more than 400 grams, the
Magazine “Science Today for Children”. Edition 174.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - The word “anteater” is a noun because:
( ) takes back a being.
( ) names a being.
( ) characterizes a being.
Question 2 – Underline the following proper nouns:
“That’s right: not only in Brazil, but also in countries like Bolivia, Venezuela and Colombia […]”
Question 3 – In the passage “[…] in woods along watercourses […]”, there are two nouns that refer to the same number. Identify these nouns and enter the number:
Question 4 – Watch:
“About 45 centimeters long and weighing no more than 400 grams […]”
In this segment, is the noun “grams” feminine or masculine? Explain:
Question 5 - The nouns, present in the text, are formed of a single element. In this case, they are called:
( ) simple.
( ) primitives.
( ) concrete.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.