activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the second and third years of elementary school, with questions based on the text A Princesa da Floresta.
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A long time ago there was a forest that was dark at night. During the day, the bright sunlight illuminated the forest and the animals were happy. However, at night, the pale moon could not reflect its light through the shadowy trees. The animals were afraid of dark nights and waited for the bright light of day.
So one day, Princess Marina, a cheerful young woman, decided to do something about it. She begged each tree to reach up to the sky, so the moonlight could pass between them.
And the trees obeyed him! Every night, when darkness filled the forest, the trees would shake their branches so that the moon could radiate and light up the forest! All the little creatures in the forest were delighted with this plan and were no longer afraid of the night!
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) How was the forest during the day?
4) How was the forest at night?
5) How did the animals feel during the night?
6) What did Princess Marina decide to do?
7) What happened when the trees shook their branches in the dark?
8) Illustrate the story:
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