activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the little crybaby. The little cougar made his parents and teachers annoyed as he asked for everything crying. Let's know the history of this cougar? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretive questions proposed!
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The little cougar made his parents and teachers angry, as he asked for everything crying. At school, when he had to struggle to learn a lesson, he would make such a drama of tears and sighs that it annoyed his classmates and the teacher.
When his mother asked him for a favor, he would start to cry and say:
"I don't know how to do it!"
In fact, no one took him seriously anymore, and he passed for a fool, which he really wasn't.
So much useless crying brought its punishment. One day, he drove a nail into his paw and began to cry, this time with good reason, because he was in terrible pain. Of course, no one paid any attention to it, thinking it was just another one of his comedies.
As a result, the wound became infected and had to be given a long and painful treatment. It was then that he understood that his fake tears had been harmful, and why the real tears had not worked.
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Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
( ) make you laugh.
( ) publicize something.
( ) transmit a teaching.
Question 2 – Watch:
“The little cougar made his parents and teachers angry, because I asked for everything crying.”
The highlighted passage reads:
( ) a reason.
( ) a condition.
( ) a consequence.
Question 3 – In “—I don’t know how to do that!”, the dash marks:
( ) the beginning of the speech of the little cougar.
( ) a pause in the little cougar's speech.
( ) the continuity of the little cougar's speech.
Question 4 – In the part “Actually, no one else The took it seriously […]”, the underlined term:
( ) takes back the little cougar.
( ) presents the little cougar.
( ) characterizes the little cougar.
Question 5 - According to the story, the little cougar "effectively wasn't":
( ) for real.
( ) crybaby.
( ) silly.
Question 6 - Read back:
“One day he drove a nail into his paw and started crying, this time with good reason because he was in terrible pain.”
In this fragment, the narrator reveals:
( ) the beginning of the story.
( ) the climax of the story.
( ) the end of the story.
Question 7 - In the segment “As a result, the wound became infected and had to give you a long and painful treatment.”, the underlined expression indicates:
( ) a wish.
( ) a promise.
( ) a necessity.
Question 8 - In “It was then that she realized that her fake tears had been harmful, and because the real tears had not had any effect.”, the underlined word expresses:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) facts that alternate.
( ) facts that contrast.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.