Some subjects in the Portuguese language can be considered a little more difficult than others. Therefore, we decided to select some activities about the subject's predicative. So, teachers can take advantage of the tips and apply them in the classroom.
Question 1 - The text read has purposes:
a) literary
b) humorous
c) journalistic
d) didactic
Question 2 – The effect of humor in the strip resides in the use of a subject's predicate. Point it out:
a) disgusting
b) vegetarian
c) vegetarian
d) dessert
Question 3 – “It looks disgusting”. Identify the predicative of the subject that makes up this part of the 1st square of the strip:
Question 4 – In the passage “I'm not a vegetarian!”, the highlighted predicament expresses:
a) a trait of the subject's personality.
b) an action performed by the subject.
c) a characteristic of the subject.
d) a state in which the subject is.
Question 5 - The predicative joins the subject through a verb:
a) direct transitive
b) connection
c) intransitive
d) indirect transitive
1- As we know, the subject's predicative integrates one of the peculiarities inherent to the nominal and verb-nominal predicate. This time, analyze the following statement, answering the questions that refer to it:
The jurors found the boy sick.
a) As for the clarity of the message, record your impressions about it.
b) If the utterance lacks a reformulation, make it, and then analyze the predicate expressed by the clause and its respective elements.
2- Based on some poetic fragments, pay attention to what is asked:
I'm happy and I'm sad,
I'm a poet in project.
I think the poet is a dick.
that you play without nets
no masks and no sunglasses.
He is a being that sets the ice on fire
and expect an Amazon fire.
(Songs of adolescence.7ed. São Paulo: Current, p.37-8)
a – Syntactically characterize the highlighted excerpts.
b – In relation to the last two verses, choose to “unveil” the message, highlighting what you understood about the speech presented by these verses.
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