Portuguese activity, focused on students in the seventh year of elementary school, explores the cardinal numerals. What do these numbers indicate? A part, an allotment or a quantity? How about finding out? To do this, answer the questions based on the text about The Guarani Mbya Indians!
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Currently, in Brazil, there are more than 220 indigenous peoples. Each one of them is different: it has its own culture, language, religion… One of the most numerous groups is the Guarani, with a population of approximately 40 thousand people, living in villages spread over more than 100 municipalities in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso, Pará, Tocantins and Maranhão.
The Guarani Mbya from Rio de Janeiro live in Parati and Angra dos Reis. Its population is about 400 Indians, distributed in three villages called Sapukai, Itatiim and Araponga. Even after several centuries of contact with white society, the Mbya maintain their religious tradition, their language and the knowledge of heaven accumulated by their ancestors.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 198. Available in: .
Question 1 - The term underlined is a cardinal numeral in the passage:
( ) “One of the groups with the largest numbers is the Guarani […]”
( ) "[…] with one population of approximately 40,000 people […]"
( ) “[…] distributed in three villages called Sapukai, Itatiim and Araponga.”
Question 2 - In the passage “Its population is about 400 Indians […]”, the phrase before the cardinal numeral indicates:
( ) an exact amount.
( ) a hypothetical amount.
( ) an approximate amount.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] there are more than 220 indigenous peoples […]”, the cardinal numeral underlined:
( ) does not vary.
( ) varies in gender.
( ) varies in number.
Question 4 - The cardinal numeral "100" refers to the noun:
( ) “groups”.
( ) "counties".
( ) "States".
Question 5 - It can be concluded that the cardinal numerals express:
( ) a part.
( ) a placement.
( ) an amount.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.