Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the connectives, employed in the construction of the text Sea sponges. This text is authored by the NGO “Greenpeace”.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Ahhh… The sea sponges. They're not exactly the cutest little things in the oceans. They don't have little eyes, tongues, little ears, mouth or even a brain, right? They don't move either, and some look like Cheetos.
To most people, they are cute little plants that live on coral reefs and are used as pogo sticks by baby fish. ______________, in fact, they are the simplest multicellular animals in the world. And I will explain why they are so COOL!
A new study suggests that sponges have been around for at least 640 million years. That is, 400 million years before dinosaurs and 100 million years before any other animal! […]
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - “They don't have little eyes, tongues, little ears, mouth or even a brain, right?”. Identify the connective that makes up this period of the text:
Question 2 - Taking into account the context above, the space indicated must be filled with the connective:
a) Therefore
b) For
c) But
d) Like this
Question 3 - In the last paragraph of the text, the connective "ie" establishes a relationship of:
the conclusion
b) explanation
c) comparison
d) condition
Question 4 – The highlighted term works as a connective that indicates the idea of addition in:
a) "They're not exactly the little things more fluffy from the oceans."
b) “[…] living on coral reefs and are used as pogo sticks by young fish.”
c) “[…] they are the multicellular animals more simple of the world.”
d) “And I will explain why they are So COOL!"
Question 5 - Point to another passage in the text that records the use of a connective that indicates the idea of addition. Then brand it:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.