Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the bet. Do you know what a bet is? No? Then, answer the proposed questions based on the text that states: Isotonic can give decay.
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It replenishes minerals and glucose, it's true. But isotonic, that colorful drink consecrated by the academy generation, can also damage the health of the mouth. A study by the University of New York, in the United States, revealed that the intemperate consumption of the product causes erosion of tooth enamel, opening doors to decay and tooth decay. "The tooth loses more minerals than it should because of a chemical imbalance caused by citric acid present in isotonic”, explains dentist Rodrigo Bueno, consultant of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry. "For this reason, the drink should be consumed every four hours, which is the time needed for saliva neutralize the oral acidity.” During this interval, try to drink only water if you are doing some activity physics.
“Health”, May 2009, p. 62.
Question 1 - Identify the port that defines the bet:
Question 2 - The bet, identified in the previous question, has as its core:
the drink"
b) "colored"
c) "generation"
d) "academy"
Question 3 - The highlighted part works as a bet on:
a) "It replaces mineral salts and glucose, it is true.”
b) “A study by the University of New York, in the United States, revealed […]"
ç) "That is why, the drink should be consumed every four hours […]"
d) "In this interval, try to drink only water if you are doing any physical activity.”
Question 4 – The bet, which makes up the sentence marked above, indicates:
a) a certainty
b) a period of time
c) a cause
d) a place
Question 5 - The text presents speeches by the professional, Rodrigo Bueno, about the subject discussed. This ensures credibility to the information provided. Point out the bets used to refer to this professional:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.