![Text Interpretation: Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table](/f/e21ab1194daa0428d27d48cfeefe4507.png?width=100&height=100)
Portuguese Activity proposes, to 9th grade students, the study of diminutive degree, through the curious news Squirrel 'helper' becomes an attraction in a restaurant in Monte Verde.
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Squirrel 'helper' becomes an attraction in a restaurant in Monte Verde
According to the manager of the establishment, animal appears every afternoon in the restaurant; customers and employees enjoy the visits of the squirrel, who is already considered a "new employee"
Employees of a restaurant in the Monte Verde district, in Camanducaia, in the south of Minas Gerais, receive a visit every afternoon from a different assistant: a squirrel. The animal, which is considered the city's mascot, always appears at the place to give a "help" to the housekeeping and has even gained the status of "new employee".
According to Wilson Gonçalves de Souza, manager of the restaurant, the presence of squirrels is common in the place, as the area is surrounded by three pine trees loaded with pine nuts, which are part of their diet. animals.
The manager also says that customers love to see the pet walking around the tables. “But it can't get too close, as it bites,” warns Souza.
Available in: http://www.otempo.com.br. Accessed on: July 11, 2016.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text read is:
a) instruct
b) explain
c) inform
d) disclose
Question 2 - Watch:
"helper" "new employee" "hands on"
Now answer: Why were the quotation marks placed in these words?
Question 3 - "The manager also says that customers love to see the little animal strolling the tables."
a) What does the underlined term refer to?
b) The use of the diminutive in the above context indicates:
( ) affectivity
( ) irony
( ) amazement
( ) highlight
c) This diminutive is in the form:
( ) synthetic
( ) analytical
Question 4 – “[…] the presence of squirrels is common in the place, because the area is surrounded by three pine trees laden with pine nuts […]”. The sense of the highlighted conjunction will be altered significantly if replaced by:
a) since
b) why
c) since
d) for that
Question 5 - "The animal, which is considered the mascot of the city, always appears […]". The italicized segment works as:
a) adnominal deputy
b) nominal complement
c) bet
d) vocative
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.