Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses proparoxytone words. Let's analyze them in the text How does a hummingbird manage to fly backwards? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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Luís Fábio Silveira, curator biologist at the São Paulo Museum of Zoology, explains that several factors make the hummingbird the only bird able to fly backwards. First, their shoulder joint is very flexible and therefore can be moved more freely than other birds. The wing, on the other hand, is not very flexible, making the whole behave like a propeller. “This helix, combined with powerful pectoral muscles, makes the hummingbird able to move in any direction”, says the scholar.
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Question 1 – The word “biologist” is emphasized because he:
( ) is proparoxytone.
( ) is an oxytone ending in “o”.
( ) is a paroxytone ending in a diphthong.
Question 2 – Watch:
“[…] the only bird able to fly backwards.”
In this passage, there is a proparoxytone word. Identify it:
Question 3 – Mark the segment in which the highlighted word is proparoxytone:
( ) “How does the hummingbird manage to fly to behind?”
( ) “[…] the articulation of his shoulders is very flexible […]”
( ) “[…] combined with powerful muscles pectorals […]”
Question 4 – The proparoxytone word used in the segment indicated above is:
( ) adjective.
( ) adverb.
( ) substantive.
Question 5 – In “[…] making the assembly behave like a helix.”, the word proparoxytone was used in:
( ) a conclusion.
( ) a comparison.
( ) an example.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.