activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text Despedida dos amigos.
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The year had come to an end and many young animals of the forest would migrate to other places during the holidays. Some of them would take years to return and the farewell mood took over the last day of school.
The little zebra was the most emotional, and said goodbye to her great friend the giraffe, between smiles and tears.
- I will miss you so much! - said the little zebra.
- Don't be sad, my friend. We're still going to meet - assured the little giraffe.
So the friends took advantage of that moment to play some more.
Years passed and the friends never met again. One day the zebra went for a walk and walked away from the forest. She realized she was lost and trying to go back home, she ended up falling into a hole and was scared.
The zebra called for help and a giraffe, which was passing by, took it away. When the two looked at each other, they almost didn't believe it. The childhood friends had met again.
The zebra and the giraffe were very happy and returned to live in the same forest.
180 stories to enjoy.
Publisher: Ciranda Cultural.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who are the main characters of the story?
4) What happened when the end of the year came?
5) What happened when the zebra went for a walk?
6) What happened after many years?
7) Use creativity and create a conversation between the zebra and the giraffe, after they meet again. (must be at least 5 lines):
8) Make an illustration of the story:
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