Portuguese activity, aimed at first-year high school students, addresses the bitransitive verbs. When is a verb bitransitive? When do you require two add-ons? Are we going to learn more about them? To do this, answer the questions based on the text that presents the Blumka's Diary!
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Blumka, the author of this diary, lives in the big house, along with Doctor Korczak, Lady Stefa and 200 orphaned Jewish children. Zygmus, who brought a fish back to freedom; Reginka, who filled the darkest nights with her stories; Pola, who decided to grow a pea in his own ear; Chaim, who went to a jury for destroying an anthill; little Pedrinha, who helped unload the charcoal cart with his chamber pot… Blumka writes about them all in her diary, and when words fail, she draws. Until the day the war starts... and the diary is interrupted. But its history is recorded forever… Text and image, reality and fiction intertwine to give a face and a individuality to each child, whose tragic fate is currently only remembered through a metal inscription on a pad of granite.
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Question 1 - Note the verbs that express facts about the protagonist of the book “Blumka's Diary”. Next, identify the clause in which the verb is bitransitive:
( ) “Blumka, the author of this diary, lives in the big house […]”
( ) “[…] when you lack words […]”
() “Blumka writes about everyone in her diary […]”
Question 2 - In the text above, the bitransitive verb "returned" has as subject:
( ) Doctor Korczak.
( ) Ms. Stefa.
( ) Zygmus.
Question 3 - The bitransitive verb “returned” expresses:
( ) an action of the subject identified in the previous question.
( ) a state of the subject identified in the previous question.
( ) a characteristic of the subject identified in the previous question.
Question 4 - Underline the verb that makes up this text fragment:
“[…] to give each child a face and an individuality […]”
Question 5 - Note that the underlined verb above is bitransitive because it required two complements, called “objects”. Locate them:
Direct object:
Indirect object:
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.