Molds of folk characters to make in E.V.A can be made simply, but still look beautiful.
It is important to allow children to know some traditional folk games, seeking in the games the dimension of learning by playing.
This activity aims to:
Identify and value Brazilian folklore;
Rescue folk games;
Stimulate and develop a taste for popular culture music and dances.
To experience, through games and games, bonds of companionship and affective bonds;
Develop the organization and autonomy for individual, pair and group work.
Systematize knowledge about folklore;
After finishing the molds it is interesting:
Select with the children a folk song and dance to perform a presentation;
Tell different stories, legends, parlendas, about folklore;
Explore the stories, imitating characters, sounds, speeches, etc. (Saci Pererê, Boitatá, Boto, Caipora, Cuca, Curupira, Iara, Werewolf, Mule-without-head, Negrinho do Pastoreio, etc.
Explore the stories from features such as stick theater, puppet, comic books history with interference, working with quantity, vowels, night and day, body parts, texture, Colors.
Tongue Lock, Proverbs;
Build mural;
Compare the characters in the stories, place, time, differences, similarities, shape, size, colors, etc.
Surprise children with letters or notes from Saci-Pererê;
Choose with the children some folk games to be played throughout the project; (involving counting, different sounds, etc.)
Conduct a kite making workshop;
Build tin feet for play;
Make a Saci Pererê pipe with modeling clay or clay;
Perform afternoon dances and games;
Folklore is the science of traditions and popular uses, constituted by the customs of a people, transmitted from generation to generation. All peoples have their stories, beliefs and superstitions, which are passed on through legends, tales, proverbs, songs, dances, crafts, games, religiosity, children's games, myths, languages and characteristic dialects, riddles, parties and other cultural activities that were born and developed with the people.
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