Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about adverbs. Let's analyze them in the text that presents the film Christmas at the Hotel Plaza? To do this, she answers the proposed questions!
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Historian Jessica Cooper is in charge of an exhibition, which traces the history of Christmas at the Hotel Plaza. There she meets Nick, the hotel's decorator. Together, they comb through the Hotel's archives for spruce tops from the last century. Very quickly, they fall in love, but Jessica is already in a relationship with a careerist college professor. Between the two men, your heart flutters…
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Question 1 – Point to the passage that contains an adverb of place:
( ) “There she meets Nick, the hotel decorator.”
( ) “[…] they search the Hotel archives […]”
( ) “Between the two men, your heart wobbles…”
Question 2 – To what place does the adverb used in the passage mentioned above refer?
Question 3 – Watch:
“Very quickly, they fall in love […]”
In this passage, there is an adverb of intensity. Identify it:
Question 4 – The adverb identified above intensifies the meaning of:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
Question 5 – Read back:
“[…] but Jessica is already in a relationship with a careerist college professor.”
This passage of the text presents an adverb, which indicates a circumstance of:
( ) quite.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.