Portuguese activity, indicated for students in the eighth year of elementary school, aims to study the impersonal verb. Do you know when a verb is impersonal? Let's understand? Answer the proposed questions based on a newspaper story.
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The possibility of moving the Art, Crafts and Variety Producers fair from Avenida Afonso Pena to Avenida Augusto de Lima, between Barbacena and Araguari streets, in Barro Preto, divides the opinions of residents and workers from region.
Those in favor argue that the neighborhood has more commerce than residents, and the movement would bring more profit and leisure to the place. Those who take a stand against the novelty complain about the increase in traffic and noise, especially on Sunday mornings.
Journalist Silvânia Ariel has lived in the region for over 20 years. She fears the devaluation of residential properties.
Real estate entrepreneur Nilton dos Reis has lived at Augusto de Lima for 60 years, since he was born. He welcomes change.
“Super News”, 15 Nov. 2009, p.6.
Question 1 - The highlighted verb is impersonal in:
( ) “[…] divide opinions of residents and workers in the region.”
( ) “[…] and the movement would bring more profit and leisure for the place.”
( ) “Journalist Silvânia Ariel lives in the region there is more than 20 years.”
Question 2 - The verb “haver” is impersonal in the passage:
( ) There were more businesses than residents.
() The journalist had said that she fears the devaluation of local real estate.
( ) The community had made the complaint.
Question 3 - In the context of the sentence noted above, the verb "haver" has the meaning of the verb:
( ) to happen
( ) exist
( ) to do
Question 4 – The phrase “[…] has lived in Augusto de Lima for 60 years […]” could be rewritten as follows:
( ) She has been living in Augusto de Lima for 60 years.
( ) She has been living in Augusto de Lima for 60 years.
( ) It's been 60 years since she lives at Augusto de Lima.
Question 5 - Identify the sentence in which the verb “pass” is impersonal:
( ) The neighborhood has undergone significant changes.
( ) He passes by Avenida Afonso Pena every day.
( ) It was after ten o'clock when the residents arrived.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.