Text interpretation activity, proposed to students in the seventh year of elementary school, using texts from the news and chronicle genres.
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Read the text and answer :
More than 60,000 people have already been affected by heavy rains in MS, says Civil Defense
More than 60 m
According to the Civil Defense, so far, 43 bridges have been damaged and 51 destroyed. With respect to highways, 140 are damaged and 27 are closed. There is also information that 20 cities declared an emergency situation, but the Civil Defense confirms 17 cities.
Among the serious cases attended by the agency are the interdictions of highways, bridges that were washed away and those displaced after the ascent of the Jardim, in Jardim and Apa, in Bela Vista rivers. Civil Defense continues to support the affected municipalities and awaits the possible release of federal funds for the affected cities.
Source: http://dahorabataguassu.com.br/janeirode2016
The text you read is:
Check only one alternative.
(A) A fable
(B) A news
(C) A fictional narrative
(D) An anecdote
The main theme covered in the text is:
Check only one alternative.
(A) More than 60,000 people have been affected by heavy rains that are destroying MS.
(B) Only 60 thousand people have been affected by the heavy rains that are devastating MS.
(C) The heavy rains that are devastating MS did not reach 60 thousand people.
(D) None of the alternatives present the main theme addressed in the text above.
After reading the text aboveanswer:
The.What happened?
B. Who did the event happen to?
ç. When happened?
d. Where did the event happen?
and. What is the title of the text?
f. What is the predominant tense in the news? Remove 2 (two) verbs from the text to prove your answer.
Oxytones: ________, _________, _________, _________, _________, ________
Paroxytone: ____________, ________________, ______________
Proparoxytone: _____________
Highlight expressions or phrases that, interspersed between commas, add explanations or information to terms of phrases. Circle the terms (subjects of sentences).
The.Michel, who lives in Bataguassu, is arriving from his trip today.
B. The inhabitants of Bataguassu, a city in Mato Grosso do Sul, are happy with the new fish square.
ç. The “Plaza da Roda”, a leisure area located in the city of Bataguassu, is being renovated to receive thousands of tourists at the end of the year.
.d. The “Praça do Peixe”, located in the city of Bataguassu, should be visited by countless people in the coming months.
A.Circulate all prepositions in the music: 11 lives of Lucas Lucco.
Chronicle: The day hunting consoled the Pacaembu hunter
Two Alvinegros, Santos and Botafogo, played the great games of the 60s. Pelé x Garrincha, apart from other giants from the two bulls.
In one of these games, in São Paulo, the cariocas made an unforgettable performance(…) Why, whenever they do references to the games between Botafogo and Santos of those times, only Santos' victories, the routs of Pele & Co. Well, Pacaembu was packed to see another one.(…) Left-back Dalmo, from Santos, lived an afternoon of terror. Garrincha took the ball and, walking, took Dalmo into the penalty area, where the defender couldn't miss it.
Pacaembu didn't believe what he saw: a winger walked from the middle to the area without the full-back trying to take the ball, fearful of the demoralizing dribble. Until Dalmo realized that he had become a laughingstock to fans, many of whom weren't even Santos, but who went to the field in the certainty of the spectacle. And Dalmo decided to hit before reaching the penalty area. He hit once, Garrincha fell, the referee called the foul and scolded the paulista. He hit again, Garrincha went back to the ground, the referee called the foul and threatened Dalmo with expulsion, because at that time the yellow card didn't exist. (…)
Behold, like an acrobat, Garrincha gets up, pushes his companions away, puts his left arm in the Dalmo's shoulder and escorts him down the stairs to the dressing room, which was then side.
They left talking, as if Garrincha justified the attitude, he understood that, to stop him, there really was no other way. Botafogo won 3-0 and left the stadium applauded(…).
Chronicle of journalist Juca Kfouri
The text you read is a chronicle. The main features of a chronicle are:
Check (V) for true alternatives and (F) for false alternatives.
( )To narrate an account of everyday life.
( )It has few characters.
( ) The language must be in the cultured norm.
( )Cannot be published in a newspaper.
Check the alternative that presents the letters in the correct sequence:
The. T- T- F- F
B. F- F- F- V
ç. V- V- F- V
d. F-V-F-F
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.