Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the simple period. When does a single period qualify that way? When you only have one prayer! Let's analyze the simple periods present in the text about the Zipaquirá Cathedral, from Colombia? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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One of Colombia's main attractions is located in the city of Zipaquirá, 48 kilometers from the capital Bogotá and 180 meters underground. The cathedral was built on the largest salt reserve in the world, formed millions of years ago, when there was a sea that occupied the entire region. Over the years, the sea dried up and left a huge deposit of salt that solidified and formed rocks of salt.
The site was built in 1954, but the galleries would have been excavated in the 18th century and used as a religious sanctuary. The cathedral was closed in 1990 for security reasons. Five years later, another was inaugurated, 60 meters below the old church. In addition to the cathedral, Parque do Sal houses a museum, an auditorium and a central square, where the famous O Eixo Sacro cross is located.
Leticia Yazbek. Available in:.
Question 1 - Identify the simple period:
( ) “The cathedral was built on the largest salt reserve in the world … when there was a sea […]”
( ) “Over the years, the sea dried up and left a huge deposit of salt […]”
( ) “The cathedral was closed in 1990 for security reasons.”
Question 2 - The simple period, identified above, is constructed with:
( ) the active voice.
( ) the passive voice.
( ) the reflective voice.
Question 3 - In the simple period that introduces the text, the subject is:
( ) simple.
( ) composite.
( ) undetermined.
Question 4 – In the simple period "Five years later, another one was inaugurated, 60 meters below the old church.”, the highlighted section performs the function of:
( ) I bet.
( ) adverbial adjunct.
( ) adnominal deputy.
Question 5 - A period is simple when it features a prayer, which is called:
( ) absolute.
( ) coordinate.
( ) subordinate.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header