activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth and sixth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text A vanidade do Príncipe Danilo.
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Once upon a time there was a prince, who thought he was beyond handsome!
He lived in a castle and truly believed that there was no one like him! All day long, he would sit in front of the mirror and admire his blue eyes and curly blond hair.
- Ahhh! How wonderful am I!
Her sister was quite fed up with her conceited behavior.
- Brother! She stops admiring herself in the mirror. You are wasting your time! – she complained.
She didn't like to see her brother admiring himself all day. It was a bad habit!
Then one day she invited a friend to the palace. This young woman admired everything she saw! She took one look at Danilo and found him very handsome!
— What a specimen of a prince wholly glorious! - she said. – His hair is like silk, his eyes like two stars!
Danilo knew he would never admire himself in a mirror again. He married his sister's friend and spent the rest of his days listening to her admire him, now he stared in the mirrors of her eyes!
Unknown author.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who are the characters in the story?
4) Where does the story take place?
5) What did the sister think of Danilo's behavior?
6) What did the princess do to try to change her brother's habit?
7) What happened after the friend and the prince met?
8) What is your opinion regarding the prince's behavior? Justify your answer.
9) Do you think the prince's relationship with his wife is good? Justify your answer.
10) If you were the prince's sister or brother what would you have done to help him change his behavior?
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