Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the simple guy. When does a subject classify that way? When you have only one core! What does that mean? Meaning he only has one main word! Let's analyze the simple subjects that make up the text about the Monarchy? So, answer the proposed questions!
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Do you know the chess board? Well then, it is a monarchy (and a very traditional one, with the right to cavalry, tower and church). When there is a king and queen in play, we are talking about monarchy.
This form of government is characterized by the existence of a special institution, which is the Royal House. The Royal House is formed by a family that has a head who can carry the title of king, queen, prince or emperor. Power is usually transmitted hereditary – from father to son – and lasts until the person's death.
This leading figure in the monarchy is the guardian of the society's cultural and historical traditions. The head of the Royal House has a responsibility to protect his country, nation and people.
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Question 1 - In the passage “[…] it is a monarchy (and a very traditional one, with the right to cavalry, tower and church)”, the simple subject resumes:
Question 2 - In “This form of government is characterized by existence […]”, the simple subject is:
( ) agent of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) patient of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) agent and patient of the action expressed by the verb.
Question 3 - In the sentence “[…] lasts until the person's death.”, the verb refers to the simple subject:
( ) “The Royal House”.
( ) “the title of king, queen, prince or emperor”.
( ) "The power".
Question 4 – In the excerpt “This main figure of the monarchy is the guardian of cultural traditions […]”, the nucleus of the simple subject is:
( ) “figure”.
( ) "main".
( ) “monarchy”.
Question 5 - In the part “The head of the Royal House has the responsibility […]”, the verb expresses:
( ) a certainty about the simple subject.
( ) a hypothesis about the simple subject.
( ) a possibility about the simple subject.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.