Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, consists of questions about the infinitive verbs, employed in the construction of the text not to explode.
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Don't hold back your indignation – but dose the words well. If someone did something that bothered you, express yourself. Complain directly to the person or, if you don't think it's convenient, look for a friend to vent, avoiding accumulating bad feelings.
Start your complaint with "I". Instead of saying "you didn't wash the dishes," rephrase the phrase: "I got annoyed because you didn't wash the dishes." Thus, his speech loses its accusatory tone.
Being hot-headed gets in the way of solving problems. Wait as long as it takes to be able to analyze the situation rationally and make the best decision.
Magazine “All: Life is made of stories. What is yours?". Mol: Feb./March 2017, p. 15.
Question 1 - Explain the meaning of the verb “explode” in the context above:
Question 2 - In “[…] look for a friend to vent […]", the preposition "to" plus the verb in the infinitive "to vent" express:
b) conclusion
c) condition
d) cause
Question 3 - Check the sentence in which the underlined verb is in the infinitive:
dwarf keep his indignation […]"
b) “If anyone did something that bothered you […]"
ç) "[…] avoiding accumulate bad feelings.”
d) “Instead of to say “you didn't wash the dishes” […]”
Question 4 – In the passage "Be with a hot head gets in the way when solving problems.”, the verb in the highlighted infinitive indicates a state:
a) permanent
b) transient
c) apparent
d) lasting
Question 5 - Identify the verbs in the infinitive that make up the last period of the text read:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.