activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about fishing for Pintado. Fishing for Pintado will be prohibited throughout the country from December 5th of this year.. Shall we learn more about this fact? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Fish entered the list of Brazilian endangered species
Pintado fishing will be prohibited throughout the country, from December 5th of this year. the species Pseudoplatystoma corruscans
According to the environmental analyst at the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), Carla Polaz, the guinea fowl was included on the list of endangered species because their populations have been reduced by up to 30% in the country, in some basins more, such as the São Francisco River and the upper Paraná River, and in other basins less, such as the Pantanal.
“Because it is a migratory fish, the dams [dams] that interrupt its migratory routes were the main cause of reduction,” she said. The proliferation of hybrids and overfishing in some locations also harmed the species, according to the analyst.
The surubim or painted is a large leathery fish that can measure up to 1.5 meters and weigh up to 50 kilos. It is found in the São Francisco River basin and in the Rio de la Plata basin, which encompasses several countries (Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and part of Bolivia). Pintado is a fish of fishing importance, mainly in the Pantanal, and very appreciated in sport fishing.
For other species known as Pintado and Surubim (Pseudoplatystoma punctifer It is Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum) there was no ban on fishing, and only the legislation in force regarding closure and the minimum size of catch should be respected.
Available in:. Accessed on: September 6, 2022. (With cut and adaptation).
Question 1 – Point out the purpose of the text above:
( ) report a fact.
( ) promote a place.
( ) tell a story.
Question 2 – In “Fish entered the list of endangered Brazilian species”, which fish does the text refer to?
Question 3 – According to the environmental analyst quoted in the text, the population of Pintado reduced less in basins, such as:
( ) that of the Pantanal.
( ) that of the upper Paraná River.
( ) that of the São Francisco River.
Question 4 – Identify in the text the main cause of the reduction of painted:
( ) “overfishing”.
( ) “the proliferation of hybrids”.
( ) “the dams [dams] that interrupt their migratory routes”.
Question 5 – Watch:
“The surubim or painted is a large leathery fish that can measure up to 1.5 meters and weigh up to 50 kilograms.”
The highlighted part is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 6 – In the part “Pintado is a fish of fishing importance, mainly in the Pantanal, It is much appreciated in sport fishing.”, the underlined word indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) facts that alternate.
( ) contrasting facts.
Question 7 – In the passage “[…] only the legislation in force regarding the closed and the minimum catch size.”, the underlined term refers to:
( ) the amount allowed to fish.
( ) to the place where fishing is not allowed.
( ) the period of time when fishing is not allowed.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.