Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the 1st year of high school, proposes the study of conjunctive phrase, through a fragment of the text entitled High price of coal.
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Conventional coal mining, processing and transport practices scar the landscape and pollute waters, harming people and ecosystems. The most destructive techniques cut down forests and remove mountain peaks. The “rubble”, removed when a coal deposit is discovered, is usually dumped in nearby valleys, often burying rivers and watercourses. Open-pit mining operations destroy ecosystems and transform the landscape. Although regulations require land reclamation, it is often left incomplete. As forests are replaced by non-native grassy fields, soils become compact and watercourses are contaminated. Underground mining can cause serious problems on the surface. Mines collapse and cause the earth to sink, destroying houses and roads. […]
Scientific American. Special Edition Brazil, year 5, n. 53, p.43, Oct. 2006.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
Question 2 - In "[…] Is it over there is often left incomplete.", highlighted pronoun replaces:
a) the landscape
b) a coal deposit
c) the land
d) mining
Question 3 - In the excerpt "As forests are replaced by non-native grassy fields, soils become compact […].”, the underlined conjunctive phrase establishes the idea of:
a) proportion
b) comparison
c) cause
d) condition
Question 4 - In the segment "The 'rubble', removed when a coal deposit is discovered, is usually dumped in the nearby valleys [...]", the commas indicate:
a) a prayer shift.
b) an enumeration of consequences.
c) an omission of term that composes the period.
d) an insertion with an explanatory purpose.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.