activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text A fantastic tour.
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The alligator Lilo lived in the river, but, whenever possible, he took some walks to discover different places. Lilo would go down the river and stop at the places she thought were coolest to explore and meet other animals in the vicinity.
One day, he stopped in a very different place, with trees of all colors, butterflies with bright wings and singing turtles.
– What a fantastic place! It even looks like an enchanted forest - said Lilo, marveling at it all.
The alligator spent a good amount of time in that different place.
After enjoying a few days in that amazing forest, Lilo decided to go back home, after all, he was already missing his home.
The alligator said goodbye to his new friends and started to go upstream, when, suddenly, he hit his head.
Lilo woke up scared and that's when he realized that he was already in his house and that, in fact, everything had been just a dream. After that day, whenever he went out for a walk, Lilo tried to find that lovely place.
180 stories to enjoy.
Publisher: Ciranda Cultural.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who is the main character of the story?
4) Where did the alligator live?
5) What did Lilo like to do?
6) Describe the different place he found on a walk:
7) Now it's your turn, create a sequel to this story (must be at least 5 lines):
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