Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the punctuation marks. How about learning the purpose of signs? So, answer the various questions based on the text Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant! This way, in addition to improving your knowledge about scoring, you will learn more about one of the biggest energy producers in the world!
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The Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant (in Spanish: Itaipu, in Guarani: Itaipu) is a binational hydroelectric power plant located on the Paraná River, on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The dam was built by the two countries between 1975 and 1982 […] The name
Itaipu Binacional, operator of the plant, was the world leader in the production of clean and renewable energy for a long time. Currently, in terms of annual energy production record, the Itaipu plant occupies second place, behind only Three throats, in China, which produced, in 2014, 98.8 million MWh, which is equivalent to 0.2% more than the previous record of Itaipu (98.6 million MWh in 2013).
The Itaipu lake has an area of 1350 square kilometers, stretching from Foz do Iguaçu, in Brazil and Ciudad del Este, in Paraguay, to Guaíra and Salto del Guairá, 150 kilometers to the north. The plant is 12 km from downtown Foz do Iguaçu, 38 km from the Falls and 6 km from Ponte da Amizade. In addition to its twenty generating units of seven hundred megawatts each, Itaipu has a generating power of 14000 megawatts. It is a binational development, managed by Brazil and Paraguay, on the Paraná River, on the border section between the two countries, 15 km north of Ponte da Amizade. The plant's installed generation capacity is 14 GW, with 20 generating units providing 700 MW each and a 118m hydraulic project.
The Itaipu Plant was part of the official list of candidates for the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, prepared in 1995 by the magazine Popular Mechanics, from the United States, but did not win the title.
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Question 1 - In the section "stone in which the water makes noise", the quotation marks perform the function of:
a) highlight a comment from the person who wrote the text.
b) highlight the main information in the text.
c) indicate a quote by someone else.
d) flag an incorrectly written expression.
Question 2 - “The dam was built by the two countries between 1975 and 1982 […]”. Identify the purpose of the ellipses in this text fragment:
Question 3 - In the passage “Itaipu Binacional, operator of the plant, was the world leader in clean energy production […]”, the commas separate:
a) a bet
b) a vocative
c) an adverbial adjunct
d) a predicative of the subject
Question 4 – In the sentence "Currently, in terms of annual energy production record [...]", the comma isolates an adverbial adjunct that expresses:
in time
b) place
c) mode
d) intensity
Question 5 - In the part “[…] which is equivalent to 0.2% more than the previous record of Itaipu (98.6 million MWh in 2013)”, the information in parentheses ends:
a) suggestive
b) illustrative
c) comparative
d) explanatory
Question 6 – In “[…] it has an area of 1350 square kilometers, going […]”, the comma precedes:
a) a verb in the form of a participle.
b) a verb in the form of a gerund.
c) a verb in the form of personal infinity.
d) a verb in the form of an impersonal infinitive.
Question 7 – In the segment “It is a binational enterprise, managed by Brazil and Paraguay, on the Paraná River […]”, the commas indicate:
a) the displacement of an adverbial adjunct.
b) the intercalation of information.
c) the separation of coordinated clauses.
d) the inversion of the order of the constituents of the sentence.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.