Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, aims to study the conjunction, through the text What diseases does watermelon cure?
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There is no scientific proof that watermelon cures diseases, but some doctors believe that the substances from this fruit improved blood circulation in the body, which is good for diseases such as high blood pressure (or high blood pressure high). In addition, watermelon is very nutritious and contributes to the hydration of the body, as it contains a lot of water. And the best part is, it's delicious!
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Question 1 - In the passage “There is no scientific proof that watermelon cures diseases, but some doctors believe […]”, the highlighted conjunction indicates the idea of:
a) addition
b) opposition
c) comparison
d) conclusion
Question 2 - Taking into account the use of the conjunction "but", the sentence that introduces the text could be rewritten as follows:
a) "There is no scientific proof that watermelon cures diseases, as some doctors do […]"
b) "There is no scientific evidence that watermelon cures diseases, so some doctors […]"
c) "There is no scientific evidence that watermelon cures diseases, as some doctors […]"
d) "There is no scientific evidence that watermelon cures diseases, but some […]"
Question 3 - Locate the conjunction that links the second sentence of the text to the first. Then identify the relationship established by it:
Question 4 – In “[…] what is good for diseases such as hypertension (or high blood pressure)”, does the conjunction “or” indicate inclusion or exclusion? Explain:
Question 5 - Check the sentence in which the term underlined is an additive conjunction:
The) "No there is scientific evidence that watermelon cures diseases […]"
b) “[…] what is good for diseases like hypertension […]”
c) “[…] watermelon is very nutritious and contributes to the hydration of the body […]"
d) “[…] because contains a lot of water.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.