activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about donkeys. A farmer had two donkeys. So they wouldn't run away, he decided to tie them in a single rope, each at one end.. What happened after that, huh? Let's find out? So read the text very carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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A farmer had two donkeys. So they wouldn't run away, he decided to tie them in a single rope, each one at one end. After some time, both of them started to feel hungry. The food was close. Great haystacks were within sight. The two tried to get to them. But none could reach his haystack. The rope was very short and each one pulled to his side. Then they understood that the best thing was to sit down and talk. Maybe together they could find a solution.
So they did. For a long time they were turning the matter around, unable to find a way to get to the hay. Finally, one of them said:
- We will see! We're both hungry. The rope that unites us is very short and we cannot go our separate ways. Why don't we go to the first haystack together? That way, both of us could eat from one and then taste the second. That way we would eat the usual amount.
- Good idea! admitted his companion.
Putting the suggestion into practice, they both feasted, despite the rope with which they had been tied.
Available in:. (With cuts and adaptations).
Question 1 – Identify the purpose of the text above:
( ) promote a place.
( ) discuss an issue.
( ) convey a teaching.
Question 2 – Read back:
“so they don't run away, decided to tie them in a single rope, each at one end.”
The highlighted fact is:
( ) the cause of another.
( ) the purpose of another.
( ) the consequence of another.
Question 3 – In the passage “After some time, the two began to feel hungry.”, the text refers to:
Question 4 – The excerpt “The two tried to get to them.” It is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 5 – According to the text, neither of the two donkeys “could reach his haystack”, because:
( ) “the rope was very short and each one pulled to his side”.
( ) “understood that the best thing was to sit down and talk”.
( ) “they were going around the subject, unable to find a way to get to the hay”.
Question 6 – In the "Like this they did.”, the underlined word indicates:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 7 – In the segment “So we could both eat from it It is then try the second.”, the underlined term expresses:
( ) sum.
( ) contrast.
( ) conclusion.
Question 8 – In “— Good idea!”, the dash marks:
( ) the beginning of speech.
( ) a pause in speech.
( ) the continuity of speech.
Question 9 – According to the text, the donkeys managed to solve the problem that affected them at that time. Point to the fragment that confirms this:
( ) “Large haystacks were within reach of his vision.”
( ) “Maybe together they could find a solution.”
( ) “[…] they both feasted, despite the rope with which they had been tied.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.