Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aims to study the adverb, through a text that tells us about the “pancararés”. Do you know who they are? So find out!
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the riots
Experts from every corner of the region where the cangaceiros lived, the pancararés, when the steering wheel passed, helped to hide Lampião and his gang. Today, a remnant community of pancararés lives in Baixa do Chico, a small village located in the interior of Raso da Catarina. Although living conditions are quite simple, residents seem healthy. They live in rustic wattle and daub houses and receive water from an artesian well because the region is arid and wild. They are dedicated to small crops of corn and beans and cattle raising.
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Question 1 - According to the text, the pancararés live in very simple conditions. Check the alternative that does not provide a justification for this statement:
a) “[…] they helped to hide Lampião and his gang.”
b) “They live in rustic wattle and daub houses […]”
c) “[…] receive water from an artesian well because the region is arid and wild.”
d) "They are dedicated to small crops of corn and beans and to raising cattle."
Question 2 - The phrase "Although living conditions are quite simple, the residents seem healthy." was correctly rewritten in:
a) Because the living conditions are quite simple, the residents seem healthy.
b) If living conditions are simple enough, residents will look healthy.
c) Despite the living conditions being quite simple, the residents seem healthy.
d) Once living conditions are simple enough, residents will appear healthy.
Question 3 - In “Although the living conditions are quite simple, the residents seem healthy.”, the term “although” establishes the relationship of:
the conclusion
b) grant
c) cause
d) opposition
Question 4 – In the excerpt "Today, a remnant community of the pancararés lives in Baixa do Chico […]”, the prominent adverb indicates:
b) middle
c) mode
d) time
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.