Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, proposes the study of Subjunctive Mode, through a reflective text, written by physician and pacifist Akira Kibi.
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Let it be known that the challenge of the future, “Never Again Hiroshima” is also a moment of gratitude to nature; in other words, no technology in the world would have lifted the atomic bomb-destroyed cities from their ashes. If not for the power beyond human hands, the power of nature, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would still be struggling to recover. We must learn to listen to a wisdom higher than science and technology.
Akira Kibi (doctor and pacifist). Available in:
Question 1 - The tone of the passage, “May it become known that the challenge of the future […]”, created by the subjunctive, is:
a) desire
b) invitation
c) advice
d) order
Question 2 - In “If it weren't for the power beyond human hands, the power of nature, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would still be […]”, the highlighted part works syntactically as:
a) adverbial adjunct
b) vocative
c) bet
d) adnominal deputy
Question 3 - In the passage “Hiroshima and Nagasaki would still be fighting to recover.”, the underlined part indicates a:
the conclusion
b) condition
c) opposition
d) purpose
Question 4 – “[…] gratitude to nature […]”. Explain the use of the back letter in this passage:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.