Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, explores the proparoxytone words. But when is a word proparoxytone? How much is the stressed syllable (the one pronounced with the most force) the third to last syllable! Are we going to study these words? To do so, answer the questions based on the text about Jules Verne, a master of the art of creating novels and an anticipator of inventions!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Jules Verne was a master in the art of creating novels and an anticipator of inventions. Taking science as a reference point for fantasy and adventure, Jules Verne always used in his work a formula that works until today in books and movies: facts about reality, detailed descriptions of places and machines, lots of action, a light touch of romance and constant use of humor. In his many books, Jules Verne predicted and described television (before radio was invented), helicopters (before radio airplane), the zeppelins, the talking cinema, the tape recorder, the neon lighting, the moving walkways, the synthetic diamond, the air conditioning.
VERNE, Julius. "Journey to the center of the Earth". São Paulo: Ática, 2003, s/p. (Fragment).
Question 1 - There is a proparoxytone word in the passage:
( ) “[…] as a reference point for fantasy and adventure […]”
( ) “In his countless books […]”
( ) “[…] before radio was invented […]”
Question 2 - In the passage marked above, the word proparoxytone is:
( ) an adjective
( ) an adverb
( ) a noun
Question 3 - In the segment “Júlio Verne always used a formula in his work […]”, the proparoxytone noun “formula” comprises:
( ) the subject of the verb “used”.
( ) the direct object of the verb “used”.
( ) the indirect object of the verb “used”.
Question 4 – Point out the alternative in which the proparoxytone term "helicopters" was correctly separated into syllables:
( ) he-li-có-p-te-ros
( ) he-li-co-pters
( ) he-li-cop-ters
Question 5 - In “[…] the synthetic diamond […]”, the word proparoxytone plays the role of:
( ) explain the noun “diamond”.
( ) characterize the noun “diamond”.
( ) complement the noun “diamond”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.