activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the crested hawk. This large species can measure up to 67 centimeters and lives in extremely preserved areas. Let's get to know this hawk better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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This large species can measure up to 67 centimeters and lives in extremely preserved areas.
The crested hawk (Spizaetus ornatus) occurs throughout the national territory, but is threatened with extinction in the Atlantic Forest, despite not being on the national list of endangered species.
“It is a hawk found in forests with a high degree of conservation or with little alteration caused by man. It can also live in clearings, near rivers or at the edge of the forest. As the Eurasian Hawk is a species that lives most of the time in the forest, it also goes there to hunt. Generally, it uses high perches, at least 15 meters high”, explains the biologist specialist in birds, Luciano Lima.
The crested hawk is a large bird, measuring from 58 to 67 centimeters. Males can weigh about one kilogram and females one and a half kilograms. On the crown, it has a set of feathers that measure up to 10 centimeters and form a black plume.
On the “menu” of the predators, there are several species of birds, such as macaws, parrots, parrots, toucans, inhambus, urus and doves. They also prey on mammals such as possums, chipmunks, coatis and porcupines.
“Reptiles, such as large lizards, are caught in smaller numbers. However, the bird can adapt to the environment and the prey it encounters. There is a record of a nest in an area of transition between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, in Minas Gerais, where the main prey was tamarins, which are abundant in the region”, says Luciano.
Thaís Pimenta. "People's Land". Available in:
(With cut and adaptation).
Question 1 – In the passage “It is a hawk found in forests with a high degree of conservation or with little alteration caused by man.”, which hawk does the text refer to?
Question 2 – Watch:
“As the crested hawk is a species that lives most of the time inside the forest, that’s also where you go hunting.”
The highlighted passage says:
( ) a cause.
( ) a condition.
( ) a comparison.
Question 3 – In the segment “The crested hawk is a large bird, measuring from 58 to 67 centimeters.”, the text:
( ) narrates.
( ) describe.
( ) argues.
Question 4 – In the sentence “In the crown, it has a set of feathers that measure up to 10 centimeters It is form a black plume.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) facts that alternate.
( ) contrasting facts.
Question 5 – According to the text, the crested hawk captures, in smaller numbers, species of:
( ) birds.
( ) reptiles.
( ) mammals.
Question 6 – In the "Nonetheless, the bird can adapt to the environment and the prey it encounters.”, the underlined word could be replaced by:
( ) "Although".
( ) "That's why".
( ) "Therefore".
Question 7 – The text about the crested hawk was constructed based on:
( ) in a book about birds.
( ) in the professional experience of the author.
( ) in an interview with a specialist.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.