Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, explores the verb modes. Indicative mode, subjunctive mode or imperative mode? Let's analyze their presence in the curious text Why do we have letters in our hands? So, answer the various questions proposed and learn more about verbal modes!
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The palms of our hands and our fingers are full of lines, aren't they? On our fingers, these lines are called fingerprints and on the palm of our hands, they can look like some letters, especially with the letter “M”.
The lines on the palm of the hand are called flexion creases. But what does that mean? The folds are the places that form folds in our skin when we close our hands. Close your hand and fix the bending pleats, ok? Did you know that the lines we have on our palms and fingers are formed when we're very small, in Mom's belly?
And did you also know that each person has different lines? That's right, the lines in my hand are different from the lines in your hand! Also, lines and fingerprints are very important when holding objects. Do you know why? They prevent objects from slipping. If the skin on our hands was very smooth, without any lines, the things we hold could slip off more easily.
Do the letters on the hands serve for anything else?
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Question 1 - A verb is in indicative mode when it expresses a certainty. In the sentence “[…] when we close our hands.”, the verb in the indicative mode “we close” expresses:
a) a right action.
b) a right state.
c) a right attribute.
d) a way of being right.
Question 2 - In “Why do we have letters in our hands?”, the subject of the verb in the indicative “we have” is:
a) hidden
b) simple
c) composite
d) undetermined
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] may seem with some letters, mainly with the letter 'M'.”, the verbal expression in the underlined indicative mode has as subject:
a) "The palms of our hands"
b) "our fingers"
c) "these lines"
d) "fingerprints"
Question 4 - Underline the imperative verbs that make up this question:
"Close your hand and fix the bending pleats, ok?"
In the question above, the underlined verbs were used to:
a) make an alert.
b) issue an order.
c) expose a doubt.
d) give guidance.
Question 5 - In the fragment “[…] when we are still very small […]”, the verb in the indicative “we are” connects a predicative to the subject. Therefore, this verb is called:
a) connecting verb
b) intransitive verb
c) direct transitive verb
d) indirect transitive verb
Question 6 – In the period “They prevent objects from slipping.”, the verbs were respectively inflected in the modes:
a) indicative and imperative
b) subjunctive and imperative.
c) indicative and subjunctive.
d) imperative and indicative.
Question 7 – In the segment "If the skin on our hands was very smooth, without any lines [...]", the verb is in the subjunctive to indicate:
a) a wish
b) an advice
c) a promise
d) an assumption
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.