Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, proposes the study of subjunctive verb, through text that questions Friendship of dog with cat. It's possible?.
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Friendship of dog with cat. It's possible?
The legend that dogs and cats are enemies is one of the strongest in existence. However, it couldn't be more false. Dog and cat coexistence is possible and extremely healthy. What usually happens is a dispute over territory. As dogs and cats are the most common pets, it's not hard to bump into each other, and that causes tension over the invasion of each other's territory, but there is no predator-hunting relationship between the species. Socialization between the two is perfectly possible, as long as it is done in the right way.
Ricardo Tubaldini.
Available in: .
Question 1 - According to the text, is the friendship between dog and cat possible? Explain in your own words:
Question 2 - "However, she couldn't be more fake." The second period establishes with the first a relationship of:
a) addition
b) comparison
c) conclusion
d) opposition
Question 3 - Check the passage where the highlighted verb is in the subjunctive mode:
a) "Dog with Cat - providing a good coexistence”.
b) "What usually happens é a dispute over territory.”
c) “[…] but not exist predator and hunting relationship between species.”
d) “[…] as long as be done in the right way.
Question 4 – In “The socialization between both is perfectly possible […]”, the underlined term indicates:
in time
b) mode
c) affectivity
d) middle
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.