Portuguese activity, focused on ninth grade students, about the adverbial time adjunct. How about analyzing the expressions that indicate a circumstance of time in relation to the facts? To do this, answer the questions that refer to the text. Exhibition at UnB presents manufactured artifacts _________________. Which adverbial tense will complete this space? Let's challenge?
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Over the years, humanity evolves accompanied by technology. But there is still a lot to discover about the prehistoric period.
Allied to this advance, the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute and the University of Brasília inaugurated, this Monday (17), the Archeology exhibition and Inhabitants of Prehistory, which has as one of its attractions the face of an Asian man from that time, reconstructed in 3D from a skull found in Florianopolis.
According to the IPHAN archeologist, Margareth Souza, here in the Federal District there are 61 archaeological sites, where rock outcrops, ceramics were found […]
According to the superintendent of IPHAN, Ione Carvalho, the Federal District is the world's largest archeological heritage site ever registered by UNESCO, which is a landmark for the country's capital.
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Question 1 - The headline must be completed with the adverbial tense:
( ) “over 8 thousand years ago”.
( ) “over 8 thousand years ago”.
( ) “over 8 thousand years ago”.
Question 2 - The adverbial adjunct identified above modifies the meaning of a verb:
( ) in active voice.
( ) in passive voice.
( ) in the reflective voice.
Question 3 - Highlight the adverbial time adjunct in this text fragment:
“[…] opened, this Monday (17), the exhibition Archeology and Inhabitants […]”
Question 4 – The underlined adverbial adjunct expresses a circumstance of time in the passage:
( ) “But there is still much to discover about the prehistoric period.”
( ) “[…] on here in the Federal District there are 61 archaeological sites […]"
( ) “[…] the Federal District is the world's greatest heritage in archaeological area already registered […]”
Question 5 - In “Over the years, humanity evolves together […]”, the comma separates:
( ) a bet.
( ) an adnominal adjunct.
( ) an adverbial tense adjunct.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.