Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses bitransitive verbs. Let's analyze these verbs in the text about the book the black chicken? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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Alyosha is a student at a boarding school in St. Petersburg, Russia. After saving the chicken Farrusca from the pot, the boy discovers a fantastic subterranean world, inhabited by little men of thirty centimetres. Ali, farrusca is an important minister. For his heroic gesture, the king grants Alyosha the fulfillment of a wish. He then asks for the ability to do the lessons without studying. The king hands the boy a magic seed, but the amulet turns against him. Published in 1829, “The Black Hen” is considered the first Russian fairy tale. It was written under the influence of German romanticism and can be compared to “The Nutcracker” by E. T. A. Hoffman, master of fantastic literature, with whom the author was a friend.
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Question 1 – Identify the segment that contains a bitransitive verb:
( ) “Alyosha is a student at a boarding school in Saint Petersburg, Russia.”
( ) “[…] the boy discovers a fantastic underground world […]”
( ) “[…] the king grants Alyosha the fulfillment of a wish.”
Question 2 – In the section “After saving the Farrusca chicken from the pot […]”, the bitransitive verb is in the form of:
( ) infinitive.
( ) gerund.
( ) participle.
Question 3 – In the part “He then asks for the ability to do the lessons without studying.”, the verb “asks” is classified as:
( ) bitransitive.
( ) direct transitive.
( ) indirect transitive.
Question 4 – In the fragment below, there is a bitransitive verb. Highlight it:
“The king hands the boy a magic seed, but the amulet turns against him.”
Question 5 – The verb underlined above is bitransitive because it requires two types of complement (objects). Enter these objects:
a) direct object:
b) indirect object:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.