Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about adverbs of intensity. Let's analyze these adverbs in the text Bigodinho, the little traveler who enchants with his voice? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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The species measures between 10 and 11 centimeters and weighs between 7 and 12 grams. It is as light as a 1 real coin. The male is unmistakable: black back, almost white belly and a very striking white mustache that gives the species its name. The beak is small and all black. The female is all brown, a little lighter on the underparts.
It is a bird that is very fond of little seeds and therefore frequents open fields, cultivated fields and capoeiras a lot. Due to its song, it is a prized bird and captured for illegal trade, which caused a drastic decrease in populations, especially in the Northeast.
Available in:. (Fragment with adaptation).
Question 1 – Underline the adverb of intensity below:
“It is as light as a 1 real coin.”
Question 2 – In the section “[…] a very striking white mustache […]”, the word “well” is:
( ) substantive.
( ) mode adverb.
( ) adverb of intensity.
Question 3 – Point to the segment that contains an adverb of intensity:
( ) “It is a bird that likes seeds a lot [...]”
( ) “[…] it is a prized bird captured for illegal trade […]”
( ) “[…] which caused a drastic decrease in populations […]”
Question 4 – Watch:
“[…] and that is why it frequents open fields, cultivated fields and capoeiras a lot.”
In this passage, there is an adverb of intensity. Identify it:
Question 5 – The adverb identified above intensifies the meaning of:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.