Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, addresses the Indefinite Pronouns. Are we going to study the terms that accompany or take the place of nouns, exposing the idea of indefiniteness? To do this, answer the questions based on the text. Biologist's Day! Do you know when it is celebrated? No? So find out!
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Anyone who intends to pursue this profession must, in addition to enjoying nature, study Biological Sciences, which is the faculty that studies living beings and their relationships with the environment. Biology encompasses several areas of study, such as zoology, which studies the animal kingdom; botany, which takes care of the plant kingdom; ecology, which analyzes the relationship of living beings with the environment in which they live; paleontology, which is the study of organisms that no longer exist; microbiology, responsible for small organisms; genetics, which we hear so much about because it studies the constitution of organisms and the origin of life, and many other specialties. As we can see, biologists are people who research a lot about the different types of life existing on our planet. […]
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Question 1 - There is an undefined pronoun in the passage:
( ) “Biology covers several areas of study […]”
( ) “[…] ecology, which analyzes the relationship of living beings […]”
( ) “[…] types of life existing on our planet.”
question 2 – In the passage marked above, the indefinite pronoun:
( ) explains a noun.
( ) accompanies a noun.
( ) takes the place of a noun.
Question 3 - In the sentence “Whoever intends to follow this profession needs […]”, the pronoun “Who” is:
( ) relative
( ) Undefined
( ) interrogative
Question 4 – Identify the passage where the underlined word is an undefined pronoun:
( ) “[…] besides liking much from nature […]"
( ) "[…] and many other specialties.”
( ) “[…] search much about the different types of life […]"
Question 5 - In the part “[…] genetics, which we hear so much about […]”, the term “so much” is:
( ) an adjective
( ) an indefinite pronoun
( ) an adverb of intensity
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.