Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about proparoxytones. Let's analyze these words in the text that presents us Bela Vista de Minas? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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On the banks of Córrego do Onça, Bela Vista de Minas is surrounded by beautiful mountains and offers its visitors, in addition to tranquility and rest, a scenario of admirable landscapes.
Approximately 132 km from the capital of Minas Gerais, the city has the Cachoeira do Taquaril, one of its biggest tourist attractions, which provides delicious baths, peace and contemplation to those who know it. The municipality is highlighted by its friendly village that always welcomes all its visitors very well.
Available in:. (With adaptation).
Question 1 – Point to the passage that contains a proparoxytone word:
( ) “[…] in addition to tranquility and rest […]”
( ) “[…] admirable landscapes.”
( ) “[…] one of its greatest tourist attractions […]”
Question 2 – In “Às margins do Córrego do Onça […]”, the word proparoxytone composes an expression that indicates:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 3 – In the section “[…] Bela Vista de Minas is surrounded by beautiful mountains […]”, there is a proparoxytone word. Identify it:
Question 4 – The proparoxytone word identified above is:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) a noun.
Question 5 – The word “sympathetic” is emphasized because it:
( ) is proparoxytone.
( ) is an oxytone ending in “o”.
( ) is a paroxytone ending in a diphthong.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.