Every learning and qualification opportunity is very important for those who intend to enter the job market. Fortunately, the Senac Free Program offers more than 5,000 vacancies for professional qualification courses.
Through it, those interested will be able to learn new activities and issue certificates of completion of classes. Check below what training courses are available and how to enroll in the courses. free SENAC qualification courses.
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First of all, it is important to highlight that people from all over the country can participate in the classes, as long as their family income is up to two minimum wages per person. If you meet this requirement, the application must be made online, at PSG official website (Senac Free Program).
On the platform, the candidate must fill in the forms with the requested data, such as name, address and income statement. During registration, it is also possible to check some of the specific requirements for each course, including the application date. That's because they can vary according to the chosen area.
Basically, to choose the candidates, SENAC will take into account some criteria. As a result, the order in which vacancies are filled must comply with the following points until the number of vacancies available for each course is reached:
Opportunities are divided between technical and non-technical, covering the areas of Business Administration, Human Resources and Logistics.
Technical courses:
Free courses: