math activity, proposed to students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with Problems on the four operations.
You can download this math activity in an editable Word template, ready for printing in PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about fish breathing. How do fish breathe underwater? Let's find out? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth grade of elementary school, explores pronouns. Let's analyze them in the text that presents the film The winery of dreams? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the second and third years of elementary school, with questions based on the text Day of play.
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, about definite articles. We will analyze them in the text that presents us with the Japanese lantern? To do this, answer the proposed questions! In “By the way, the name expresses what it is visually speaking.”, which “the” is a definite article?
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the second and third years of elementary school, with questions based on the text Festa do pajama.
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about donkeys. A farmer had two donkeys. In order for them not to run away, he decided to tie them in a single rope, each at one end.. What happened after that, huh? Let's find out? So read the text very carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
You can download this text comprehension activity in editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
math activity, proposed to students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with Problems about addition and subtraction.
You can download this math activity in an editable Word template, ready for printing in PDF and also the activity with answers.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the seventh year of elementary school, explores nouns. How about analyzing them in the text about the bottlebrush? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, about crasis. Let's study this content, through the text brocket deer? To do this, answer the proposed questions! In “The brocket deer is a deer with a tendency _____ solitary life […]”, should the space be filled with “a” or “à”?
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print to PDF and also the activity with answers.