Portuguese Activity asks 8th grade students to place commas in the text that tells us about the armadillo ball. Let's practice?
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Activity: Carefully read the following text, placing the commas properly:
armadillo ball
The armadillo whose scientific name is Tricinctus tolypeutes It started to become popular recently when it was announced as the official 2014 World Cup mascot. Small charismatic and very representative as a mascot for football fell in favor of the media. It is the smallest of the Brazilian armadillos, a little studied species that is threatened with extinction. With an occurrence restricted to the northeastern Caatinga and few adjacent areas, it is considered an endemic animal, meaning that only occurs in that habitat and is not commonly found in other regions, which makes the armadillo an exclusive animal. Brazilian. […]
Available in: http://euamomeusanimais.com.br. Accessed on: 07/23/16.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.