Mathematics Activity, suitable for students in the fourth or fifth year of elementary school, with situations problems that involve simple calculations, which help in the development of students' logical reasoning.
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Mathematics - Problems
The. ( ) 224 paws
B. ( ) 324 paws
d. ( ) 524 paws
and. ( ) 124 legs
2. How much is 8+8 x 8?
The. ( ) 128
B. ( ) 168
ç. ( ) 218
d. ( ) 108
3. How much is 56 – 21?
The. ( )15
B. ( ) 35
ç. ( ) 25
d. ( ) 45
4. I walk every day and walk 250 kilometers in the morning and 350 kilometers in the afternoon. How many kilometers do I walk a day?
5. If a year has 365 days. How many days are two years old, knowing that one of those years is a leap year?
The. ( ) 731
B. ( ) 730
ç. ( ) 732
d. ( ) 756
6. Cristiano is writing the word “come” on a huge billboard for a supermarket. But he writes one letter a day. He started writing on the billboard on Monday and will be working every day. What day will he finish writing that word?
The. ( ) Monday
B. () sunday
ç. ( )Friday
d. ( ) Thursday
7. Carlos will be taking a walk at his cousins' house, so he got up an hour and a half ago. In three and a half hours he will go to the airport to travel to Jundiaí, the city where his cousins live. How many hours before the flight did Carlos get up?
The. ( ) 5 hours
B. ( ) 6 hours
ç. ( ) 7 hours
d. ( ) 4 hours
8. João, who is a poultry breeder, has 120 eggs to store in 6 boxes. How many eggs should he put in each box?
9. In the Portuguese language test, most students got good grades. Out of 130 students, 95 obtained excellent grades. How many students did not perform well in the Portuguese Language test and need to make a recovery?
10. Which number is in the order of the thousand units in the number 2,352?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.