Chayote is a super versatile food, it has a light flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked, whether in salads, soufflés or soups. In addition, it is possible to consume all parts of chayote, such as the pulp, buds, seeds and leaves. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to grow chayote in your vegetable garden. Learn practical tips on how to plant this fruit in a vase and what its health benefits are. Keep reading!
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The scientific name of chayote is Sechium edule, but it is also popularly known as machucho, caiota and pimpinela, being classified as a vegetable-fruit. The region where the most chayote plantations are found is on Madeira Island, close to the water rapids. Because it is a food that accepts varied temperatures well, for example, from 17°C to 27°C, it spread easily around the world.
Chayote is a very rich source of fiber, vitamins and mineral salts. In addition, he is also an important ally for those who want to lose weight, as it increases the feeling of satiety, eliminates toxins and has very few calories.
Because it is an antioxidant, chayote acts in the fight against free radicals, which helps prevent bone, cardiovascular, brain and eye diseases. Furthermore, it is an excellent diuretic, as it contains a high percentage of water and potassium and little presence of sodium. Therefore, it is a very suitable food for people suffering from hypertension.
First of all, it is worth remembering that you do not need to have a lot of space to grow chayote, just a vase and an area that receives direct sunlight. Now, check out the step-by-step guide on how to plant chayote in a pot in a simple and practical way. Pay attention to the following steps:
Now you can have this food in your house whenever you want, just follow the steps correctly and enjoy!