Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the fourth year of elementary school, with questions developed about the text: The seller llama.
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The owner of the farm decided to hitch the Spitting llama to the cart to sell his vegetables in the market. Spitter was glad to see the city. The little cart smelled of basil and parsley. The owner of the site installed Spitdor and went to have a coffee, but always watching the cart.
Obviously a different animal attracted the eyes, but the spitter didn't much like them getting close and, in that case, he spit on whoever passed by.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) When the owner of the site decided to hitch the Spitter llama to the cart to sell his vegetables in the market, how did the llama stay?
3) How did the cart smell?
4) Spitter didn't like it very much when people approached. What was he doing?
5) What did the donkey say to Spitter?
6) What did the owner of the site do to keep people away from Spispidor?
7) After the owner of the site put up the poster, what did he do?
Per Hélia Higa
At answers are in the header.
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