Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, addresses the conjunctions. Let's analyze the ideas they express in the text silk hands? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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In a tropical country like Brazil, gloves are quite unnecessary as fashion accessories – they stay restricted to hygiene items used, for example, by health professionals or scientists in the laboratory. But it wasn't always like this: at the end of the 19th century, fine gloves made of the most varied materials, such as silk, leather or satin, were indispensable accessories to the ladies' attire on their walks through the city or at elegant events. That's why, when some women started to appear without them in the theater, the fuss was total: many people thought it was absurd!
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 235. Available in: .
Question 1 - There is a conjunction in the passage:
( ) “[…] are restricted to used hygiene items […]”
( ) “[…] on your walks around the city or at elegant events.”
( ) “[…] the fuss was total: many people thought it was absurd!”
Question 2 - In the passage identified above, the conjunction indicates:
( ) opposing facts.
( ) facts that add up.
( ) alternating facts.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “But it was not always like this: […]”, the conjunction “But” expresses:
( ) a contrast.
( ) one caveat.
( ) a compensation.
Question 4 – In the fragment “That is why, when some women started to appear without them in the theater […]”, the underlined conjunction expresses:
( ) a condition.
( ) a purpose.
( ) a conclusion.
Question 5 - The conjunctions, analyzed throughout the previous questions, link independent clauses to each other. In this case, the conjunctions are called:
( ) absolute.
( ) coordination.
( ) subordinate.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.