Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, aims to study the adverbial adjunct of place. Let's analyze the expressions that indicate the circumstances of place in the text about the doctor from Rio de Janeiro Henry Aragon? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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A doctor from Rio de Janeiro with specialization in Germany, Henrique de Beaurepaire Rohan Aragão discovered the exo-erythrocytic cycle of the Haemoproteus columbae, a pigeon parasite, which contributed to the discovery of a similar cycle of plasmodium, the agent of malaria. He also discovered the rabbit myxoma virus, which enabled the population control of this animal, which had become a pest in Australia […]
He devoted himself to studying Brazilian ticks, describing several new species. […]
In Manguinhos, Aragão was an intern, researcher, head of service, professor and director. In this position, he organized advanced services in Chagas disease, yaws, schistosomiasis and endemic goiter. He created the Bambuí Center, in Minas, to study Chagas disease. He also established the marine biology station and the medicinal plant garden in Manguinhos.
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Question 1 - Highlight the adverbial adjunct of place that composes the initial passage of the text:
“Doctor from Rio de Janeiro with specialization in Germany, Henrique de Beaurepaire Rohan […]”
Question 2 - The adverbial adjunct “in Australia” adds a circumstance of place to the verb:
( ) "Found"
( ) "made it possible"
( ) "make"
Question 3 - In “Created the Bambuí Center, in mines […]", the adverbial underlined:
( ) modifies the meaning of a verb that expresses a completed action.
( ) modifies the sense of a verb that expresses a hypothetical action.
( ) modifies the meaning of a verb that expresses an unfinished action.
Question 4 – In the period “It also implemented the marine biology station and the medicinal plant garden in Manguinhos.”, there is an adverbial adjunct of place. Point it out:
( ) "in Manguinhos"
( ) "the marine biology station"
( ) "the garden of medicinal plants"
Question 5 - In “He devoted himself to studying ticks of Brazil […]”, the highlighted expression is:
( ) a bet
( ) an adnominal adjunct
( ) an adverbial adjunct of place
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.