Portuguese activity, text production, film summary, aimed at 6th grade students. Guidelines are presented (step by step) for the production of this text. It is worth remembering the need for the teacher to work, first, the specific characteristics of the genre, so that students can produce it properly. For this, we suggest the approach of the summary of the film “Zootopia”, published here in “Portal Acessaber”.
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Choose a movie you liked. Your task is to produce a summary of it, in order to share it with your classmates. To do this, follow these steps:
1º: On a scratch sheet, write down the main facts of the film (beginning, middle and end), without revealing too much detail, especially regarding the ending. Remember: this is a summary.
2º: Search: the names of actors or voice actors, placing them in parentheses when the characters are introduced; the year of the film and its producers (names, other films they have produced).
3º: Build the text, which must have a minimum of 15 lines and a maximum of 30 lines, with the following structure: introduction, development and conclusion.
4º: Create an interesting title for your abstract.
5º: Give the text to your teacher or your teacher, who will review it.
6º: If there are, make the corrections, clearing the text.
7º: Present the produced summary to your classmates.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.