O hangman game it's a great way to spend time with friends, and that cool vibe this game brings is welcoming. This time, we have another challenge for you to solve: we hide a vegetable that is often seen in salads.
Read more: Hangman: The game gets cooler when you challenge your friends
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Living healthy is a goal for many and one of the main pillars for this is a balanced diet. Salads are the most common way to get more vegetables, less processed products and fresher ingredients, straight from the earth. In this game of hangman, we brought an element of salad that is quite delicious. Would you hit which vegetable this is?
In the salad there are many elements, and there are also different types of salads that vary in the composition of their ingredients. Here's a tip on which vegetable is on the gallows:
With these fresh tips, it was even easier to win this game. Check more letters to form the word that is on the gallows.
You already have the answer on the tip of your tongue, almost forming the word completely, and there is very little left to get it right. Keep trying!
Congratulations on getting this far! That's quite an achievement, and it shows that you have a great knowledge of vegetables and salads, and you certainly love to eat healthy. Next, we brought the word feedback so you can check your answer.